Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya is a University established vide Gujarat State Government Act 21 of 2007 in May 2007 and approved by UGC (ref F. 9-18/2008(cpp-1) March 19,2009).It is here in KadiSarvaVishwavidyalaya one find balance between the new emerging areas like Management, Computers, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Bioinformetics and the other subjects like Humanities, literature and Social Sciences etc. KSV have been striving hard to make a mark for ourselves in provision of good quality education to the students. As part of action plan for Academic and administrative reforms KSV have already introduced Semester System, Curriculum Development, Admission Procedures, etc. in all its programs. Faculty development, content development, soft skills development, student development program, leadership program and industrial training and research Cell are also conducted. The university currently has GRADUATE, MASTERS, M.PHIL., PH.D.PROGRAMMMES constitutional programmes