In its remarkable history of nurturing educational colleges, the SVKM trust has in last couple of years paved a new path by establishing professional and higher education colleges. NPCCSM imparts BCA & BBA under the auspice of KADI SARVA VISHWAVIDYALAYA University is unique in its own kind and takes credit of being the only one in Gujarat that has contributed towards creating the opportunity of studying in higher education available to the unexplored semi-urban area of North Gujarat. Despite operating in an affiliating university system we are not restricting overselves within the perimeters of university curriculum. We endeavor to go beyond scope and depth-in our curriculum coverage to enable our graduates to face the world of work with competence and confidence. our young and energetic faculties satisfactorely work hard and put in their best efforts. they also have gallops of opportunities for further training and development wherever and whenever necessary by virtue of research initiatives and faculty training programs at and off the campus.



Seek and Proffer programmed that direct academic excellence and industrial relevance in the fields of computer science and management.


To urge for excellence in providing higher education and to become a world class college imparting the computer education in a manner to exceed the expectations of all our stakeholders and society at large by committing ourselves and our resources in effective efficient manner.